Easter celebration begins amid festivity, gift trades

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The Easter celebration has begun on Friday across the country through marking the Good Friday amidst festivity and joys.

People will be seen to wear new Easter clothes and lit bonfire on Saturday, the Easter eve. Bonfire originated from an old belief of turning the witches aside.

The celebrations also include exchanging gifts and greeting cards.

All the government, semi-government and private offices including bank remained closed from Friday to Monday and resume on Tuesday.

Many markets and shopping malls will remain open for limited hours in separate schedules during the holidays while many will remain closed.

The business organisations decide their own opening hours as retail opening hours have been de-regulated during the recent years.

National monopoly alcohol retailer Alko remained closed on Good Friday, as well as on Sunday and Monday. Its outlets are open on Saturday until 6:00pm.

Easter eve programmes will be held as per the tradition.

The children will be seen to visit door to door wearing special dress with the greetings of the Easter.

Easter Sunday will be observed all over the country on the last day of the week as elsewhere the globe commemorating the religious believe of Christian community about Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead after his crucifixion.

According to Christianity, Easter culminates the passion of Jesus which is preceded by the season of Lent, a forty-day period of fasting, prayer and penance.

Easter Day is celebrated in the Christian world as a festival marking Jesus rose from the dead and lives forever.

Jesus had told his followers before his arrest that he would be crucified and on the third day he would rise from the dead. Sunday is the third day from the Good Friday.

  •  Easter
  •  Begins

Source: www.dailyfinland.fi

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