EU emergency stockpiles budget in Finland rises to €305m

Finland has received a total of EUR 305 million in funding from the European Commission for the establishment of the reserves, said the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the Ministry of the Interior in a joint press release on Wednesday.

Additional common EU reserves will be established in Finland and the new reserves will contain supplies such as medicines, medical supplies and medical devices.

At the beginning of 2023, the Commission allocated EUR 242 million to Finland for the development of a chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear strategic reserve.

Supplies such as personal protective equipment, measuring equipment and medical materials will be stockpiled in the reserve.

Now Finland has been given a new project of EUR 62.9 million, which will establish a new set of reserves.

The new project will stockpile medical materials, such as small devices, surgical instruments and medical supplies.

The reserve will also contain radiation meters and medicines needed in prehospital emergency medical care and surgical treatment.

The reserves are common to all EU countries, and they are created under the EU Civil Protection Mechanism established in 2001.

A country may request assistance through the EU Emergency Response Coordination Centre if it does not have sufficient capabilities to respond to an emergency.

The Mechanism has responded to European wildfires and delivered assistance to the earthquake-affected areas of Türkiye and Syria and to Ukraine since the start of Russia's invasion.

The material stockpiled in Finland must be ready for deployment to the requesting country within 12 hours once the offer for assistance has been accepted. The first batches of supplies of the new reserves should be ready for deployment in early 2025.

“The new reserves will considerably improve the preparedness of Finland and our neighbouring areas. We will also improve our ability to provide and accept international assistance,” said Minister of the Interior Mari Rantanen.

“The new funding will primarily be used to purchase medicines and other healthcare supplies, which means that the healthcare sector has an important role to play in the project. The project will facilitate EU-level preparation for various threats to the health of the population,” said Minister of Social Security Sanni Grahn-Laasonen.

  •  EU
  •  Emergency
  •  Stockpiles budget
  •  Finland


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