Police investigate booby-trapped apartment bomb, a death inside and two injured officers

The two officers were treated in hospital and released, but investigators are looking at the case as attempted murder.

Two police officers were injured in an explosion on Monday night after trying to open the door of a booby-trapped apartment in Espoo.

One body was found inside the Mäkkylä home, and although the officers have now been released from hospital, the National Bureau of Investigations says it’s looking into two counts of attempted murder in connection with the blast.

Events unfolded in the suburb, north of Leppävarra, around 20:45 when officers on patrol responded to an apparently routine call to a ground floor flat in Ruutikellarintie. When they opened the door to the apartment an explosive device detonated.

Armed police units responded to the address and all the other occupants of the building were evacuated and taken from the scene in a bus. During the search operation a man born in 1979, who is suspected of attempted murder in the explosion, was found dead.

It is not clear whether he was dead before officers arrived to the flat, or whether the explosion killed him.

“The technical investigation will be looking at, among other things, what kind of explosives have been placed in the door” says Olli Töyräs who adds that although it’s too early to assign a motive for the explosion “there are no indications that the matter is linked to, for example, organised crime or terrorism.”

The police operation and forensic search continued late into the night, and only ended on Tuesday morning.

Source: newsnowfinland.fi

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