Police launch investigation into North Savo nursing home deaths

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At least 11 elderly patients died from coronavirus at the facility in North Savo.

Police launch investigation into North Savo nursing home deaths

Police in Eastern Finland have launched a formal preliminary investigation into the Kallionsydän nursing home in Kiuruvesi where at least 11 elderly people have died from coronavirus.

The criminal charges being considered include occupational safety offenses, breach of duty of care, and giving false certificates to authorities.

Police are also investigating the causes of deaths of residents at the elderly care home, which is run by the Ylä-Savo healthcare authority. Other criminal charges might be considered as the investigation continues.

Officials say the pre-trial investigation will likely take several months as there is a lot of documentary evidence to consider, and up to 50 people will be questioned about events at the facility.

Source: newsnowfinland.fi

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