Prices of old dwellings on wane in May

Prices of old dwellings in housing companies fell in the whole country by 7.4 per cent in May from last year and by 0.8 per cent from the previous month, according to Statistics Finland.

Of large towns, prices fell most in Helsinki and Vantaa, where prices went down by nearly 10 per cent from one year ago.

Prices of old dwellings in housing companies decreased by 8.6 per cent in the six largest towns compared to the previous year. Prices went down by 5.0 per cent outside large towns.

In May, the prices of old dwellings in housing companies fell by 9.5 per cent from the previous year in Greater Helsinki.

Prices of dwellings in blocks of flats decreased in the whole country by 8.5 per cent and prices of dwellings in terraced houses by 4.6 per cent compared to one year ago.

In May, 29 per cent fewer sales of old dwellings in blocks of flats and terraced houses were made through real estate agents than one year earlier.

  •  Price
  •  Old dwellings
  •  Wane


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