Ruling parties’ leaders make declaration against racism, discrimination

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Leaders of the four-party alliance government on Tuesday made a declaration with the view to ensure equality, non-discrimination in the society, according to a government press release.

The declaration came following widespread controversy raised over racial, apparently violent and anti-immigrant comments made by Finance Minister and Chairperson of the radical rightist Perussuomalaiset (Finns Party) Riikka Purra.

At the beginning of Parliament’s autumn session, the Government will issue a government statement on promoting equality, gender equality and non-discrimination in Finnish society.

“The Government and each of its ministers denounce racism and all forms of extremism and in their work commit to actively combatting racism both in Finland and internationally,” said the declaration jointly issued by Prime Minister Petteri Orpo, also leader of the conservative Kansallinen Kokoomus (National Coalition Party-NCP), main component of the alliance, Perussuomalaiset leader Riikka Purra, Suomenruotsalainenkansanpuolue (Swedish People’s Party of Finland-RKP) leader Anna-Maja Henriksson and SuomenKristillisdemokraatit (Christian Democrats of Finland-CD) leader Sari Essayah.

It said that Finland promotes the implementation of democracy, the rule of law, and the fundamental and human rights.

A society built on trust and good relations between population groups arises from the fact that everyone in Finland can trust that their rights and the principles of gender equality, equality before the law and non-discrimination will be respected and that they will be able to improve their own lives, it said.

“Everyone is equal before the law. No one may be discriminated against based on their gender, age, ethnic or national origin, nationality, language, religion or belief, opinion, disability, state of health, sexual orientation or any other personal characteristics,” said the leaders in the declaration.

The Government takes determined measures to promote equality, gender equality and non-discrimination in society, said the declaration, adding that everyone has the right to be happy and safe in Finland regardless of their background.

The Government makes every effort to advance equality and non-discrimination in accordance with the principles set out in the Government Programme, said the declaration, adding that in its work, the Government has zero tolerance toward racism.

Earlier on Tuesday, Purra admitted that she made the controversial remarks on the Scripta blog 15 years ago in guise of a username "riikka" and apologised for the racial, apparently violent and anti-immigrant comments.

Petteri Orpo-led four-party right-wing alliance government took office on June 20.

Earlier on June 30, another Perussuomalaiset leader and Minister of Economic Affairs Vilhelm Junnila decided to resign following the controversy raised over his links to far-right groups.

On June 16, the four political parties announced its programme to reshape economy and tighten immigration laws.

The ruling parties also decided to cut more than four billion euros during its regime, which was strongly criticized by the opposition parties.

  •  Govt
  •  Declaration
  •  Racism
  •  discrimination


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