Rydman to become Economic Minister replacing Junnila

The radical rightist Perussuomalaiset (Finns Party), the second largest component of the four-party alliance government on Wednesday selected its lawmaker Wille Rydman as the Minister of Economic Affairs, said the party in a press release.

Rydman will replace Vilhelm Junnila, who decided on June 30 to resign following the controversy raised among both the oppositions and ruling parties’ leaders over his links to far-right groups.

Rydman left Kansallinen Kokoomus (National Coalition Party-NCP) and joined Perussuomalaiset in January, 2023 following allegations of inappropriate behavious to women in June 2022.

He will serve as the minister for the first two years of the government while another Perussuomalaiset lawmaker Sakari Puisto will take over as the Economic Affairs minister for the rest two years.

Rydman was elected MP from Perussuomalaiset in April 2, 2023 parliamentary elections. Previously he was elected lawmaker twice from Kokoomus since the 2015 elections.

  •  Rydman
  •  Economic Minister

Source: www.dailyfinland.fi

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