UPM decides to axe 28 jobs

Finnish bio-forestry company UPM Plywood has decided to cut 28 jobs following the reduction in its production capacity and the deteriorating market situation, said UPM in a press release on Wednesday.

The company has completed the change negotiations, which started in May, concerning salaried employees in the staff and global functions, and in its Finnish mills.

The company aims at renewing its organisation and adjusting its operations to meet the reduced production capacity and the deteriorating market situation.

At the same time, the company invests in utilising the opportunities offered by digitalisation.

Earlier in May, the company started employee negotiations involving 262 salaried employees in the staff and global functions, in the sales offices and in the Finnish mills.

  •  UPM
  •  Cuts
  •  Jobs

Source: www.dailyfinland.fi

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