Finland to send 48 firefighters to Portugal to combat wildfire

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Finland is preparing to send 48 rescue workers to Portugal to help manage wildfires, said the Ministry of the Interior in a press release on Tuesday.

The Emergency Services Academy Finland is the employer of the rescue service personnel who will be deployed to Portugal.

Portugal has requested assistance from the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism in the management of wildfires.

This year, rescue personnel will be sent to Greece and France in addition to Portugal. Rescue service deployments bring together personnel from several EU Member States.

One of the deployment’s objectives is to gain experience of and learn about the different tactics, techniques and equipment to control wildfires, said Matti Inkeroinen who works as Coordinator of International Rescue Operations at the Emergency Services Academy.

The rescue workers will leave in two groups. The first group will leave on 16 August and the second group on 1 September.

Both groups will work in Portugal for about 15 days. The groups will be led by Jani Pitkänen, Rescue Commander at the Rescue Department of City of Helsinki, and Kimmo Koskinen, Executive Fire Officer at the Rescue Department of Pirkanmaa.

  •  Finland
  •  Rescue workers
  •  Portugal
  •  Wildfire


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