Luke sees possibilities for vertical farming with high-wire crops

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Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) patented vertical farming solution enables the production of high-wire crops in vertical farming, said Luke in a press release on Wednesday.

Lettuce and herbs have already been grown in vertical farming for years. The technology developed by Luke takes the vertical farming a leap forward by diversifying the crop range: for example, cucumbers and protein-rich beans can be grown cost-effectively in layers.

“We developed a technology to produce more nutritious crops in addition to lettuce and herbs. Various nutrition recommendations encourage people to eat more vegetables. It’s important that their production can also be ensured in the future,” said Titta Kotilainen, Senior Scientist of Luke.

Luke has patented the technology in several countries. The unique solution is waiting for further development and extensive deployment.

“There is no similar solution for high-wire crops yet available on the market. Food production is changing, and Luke is now looking for a partner to launch the highly advanced technology on the crop production market of the future,” said Pauli Saarenketo, IPR Manager of Luke.

In vertical farming, the controlled growing environment enables crop production independent of climate conditions, as well as clean and safe products, management of weather and harvest risks, and effective and steady production.

“With vertical farming approach, crops can be produced year-round in areas where cultivation would otherwise be impossible. In addition, Luke’s technology is scalable from small farms to large-scale production. What is more, a vertical farm can even be set up, say, in city centres,” Kotilainen said.

In addition to edible crops, Luke’s technology can also be used to grow hops that are sensitive to weather conditions and pests. “In a business sense, hops offer a significant potential.”

Decreasing area of arable land, combined with fluctuating weather conditions and harvest-destroying pests brought along by climate change, has made it necessary to seek solutions to produce food for the ever growing population.

“Unfortunately, farming will be ever more challenging in the future as climate change progresses. Conventional and cellular agriculture is not the only solution to guarantee food supply,” said Lotta Heikkilä, Senior Customer Manager of Luke.

“We need pioneers in food production who are ready to turn vertical farming into new business to combat the challenges presented by the constantly changing production environment,” Heikkilä added.

Patent Apparatus for cultivation of long-stem vegetable plants, related method and uses granted in Finland in 2021 and national applications filed in the EU, the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan and South Korea.

  •  Luke
  •  vertical farming
  •  high-wire crops


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