More passengers travel by train in June

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About 1.3 million long-distance journeys were made by train in June and the number is 7% higher than in June 2022 and about 8% higher than the pracademic June in 2019, said national railway operator VR in a press release on Wednesday.

A total of about 7.2 million long-distance journeys were made by rail in January–June this year.

“The popularity of train travel remained at a good level in June. We have added plenty of affordable tickets for sale during the summer, and there are still about 500,000 long-distance journeys available for less than 10 euros. There are many great summer destinations to see in Finland, and we also offer more than 100 additional long-distance and commuter trains to the most popular events of the summer,” said Piia Tyynilä, Senior Vice President of VR Long Distance Trains.

The punctuality of long-distance traffic was 84.5% in June. Primary delay entries were divided among track-related causes (63%), VR-related causes (19%) and other causes (18%).

The punctuality of long-distance traffic was weakened by track work, speed limits and railway system failures.

The punctuality of VR’s commuter traffic in June was 97%. The causes of delays were divided among track-related causes (65%), other causes (29%) and VR-related causes (6%).

  •  Train
  •  Passengers


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