SDP unlikely to join govt, Orpo to meet with Perussuomalaiset, CD

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The outgoing Prime Minister, Sanna Marin led Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue (Social Democratic Party of Finland-SDP) did not find common ground on various key issues and the party is not expecting to join the upcoming possible government under the leadership of the Kansallinen Kokoomus (National Coalition Party-NCP).

Kokoomus leader Petteri Orpo on Monday held separate meetings with four political parties including SDP to choose the suitable possible partners for holding formal talks with the view to form the next government.

Talking to journalists after the meeting Marin said that her party did not get any new proposal from the Kokoomus leader so that the party could consider about joining the government with them.

The Premier, however, said that although the two parties (SDP and Kokoomus) are very close on various issues, there are still disagreements on some key issues such as the economy, labour market and fiscal planning.

Marin also said it seemed to be that Kokoomus is expecting cooperation from the Perussuomalaiset (Finns Party) for a long time.

Like SDP, leaders of the two other parties -Vihreä Liitto (Green League) and Liike Nyt (Movement Now)- Maria Ohisalo and Hjallis Harkimo also expressed their unwellness to join the Orpo-led possible government while the Suomenruotsalainenkansanpuolue (Swedish People’s Party of Finland-RKP), the party traditionally stays in power in most of the regimes in the recent period expressed positive view to join the government.

After holding meeting with Orpo, RKP leader Anna-Maja Henriksson said that they had constructive discussion.

The Kokoomus leader will hold separate talks with radical right Perussuomalaiset (Finns Party) and SuomenKristillisdemokraatit (Christian Democrats of Finland-CD) on Tuesday, on the last day of the three-day discussions before inviting the possible allies for formal discussion to form the new government.

Orpo will hold official talks with the allies to form a new government from May 2 at the House of the Estates in Helsinki's Kruununhaka neighbourhood.

The Suomen Keskusta (Centre Party of Finland) already decided not to join the upcoming government and play its role in the parliament as an opposition party.

Earlier on April 18, political parties replied to the queries given on April 14 by Petteri Orpo.

The parliamentary groups on April 14 selected Orpo to lead the preliminary discussions to form a new government and Orpo gave the parliamentary groups of the major political parties 24 questions.

Kokoomus narrowly led in the parliamentary polls held on April 2 bagging 48 seats, just two seats higher than its nearest competitor radical right Perussuomalaiset (Finns Party).

Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue (Social Democratic Party of Finland-SDP) secured third place in the close race election with 43 seats followed by the components of the five-party alliance government Suomen Keskusta (Centre Party of Finland) 23 seats, Vihreä Liitto (Green League) 13 seats, Vasemmistoliito (Left Alliance) 11 seats and Suomenruotsalainenkansanpuolue (Swedish People’s Party of Finland-RKP) nine seats while SuomenKristillisdemokraatit (Christian Democrats of Finland) bagged five seats, Liike Nyt (Movement Now) one and independent candidate one in the 200-seat parliament.

  •  SDP
  •  Kokoomus
  •  Govt
  •  Talks


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