Last year sees 89% of power generation from Fossil-free sources

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Fossil-free electricity production, that is, renewable energy sources and nuclear energy covered 89 per cent of the total electricity production in Finland last year, according to Statistics Finland.

Total electricity consumption in Finland in 2022 amounted to 81.7 TWh, of which 85 per cent was covered by domestic production and 15 per cent by net imports of electricity.

Imports of electricity from Russia ceased in May 2022, whereby net imports of electricity fell in total by 30 per cent from the previous year.

Production of electricity in Finland amounted to 69.2 TWh in 2022.

Concerns about the sufficiency and high price of electricity rose in the country.

This resulted in more economical use of electricity than usual as electricity consumption decreased by 6.2 per cent, which compensates for the drop in imports.

Domestic production of emission-free electricity grew significantly in 2022 and production of wind power increased by 41 per cent and production of nuclear power by seven per cent when Olkiluoto 3 nuclear power plant started production.

Renewable energy sources produced over one half of Finland’s electricity production (54 %). The amount of electricity produced with wind power rose by as much as 41 per cent and amounted to 11.6 TWh in 2022.

Electricity produced with nuclear power rose by seven per cent when Olkiluoto 3 nuclear power plant started production in 2022.

The production of district heat decreased by six per cent in 2022 from the previous year due to warmer weather than in the previous year in 2022.

  •  Power
  •  Generation
  •  Rises


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