Niinistö focuses food insecurity, energy price hike at SDG Summit

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President Sauli Niinistö on Monday said that the world is facing various problems including interlinking, loss of biodiversity, rising food insecurity and energy prices.

Speaking at the SDG Summit during the 78th session of United Nations General Assembly in New York, he also pointed out Russia’s continuing war in Ukraine with its many global ripple effects, according to the statement issued by the President office.

“Globally, we are facing a perfect storm of interlinking challenges. Climate change and loss of biodiversity. Rising food insecurity and energy prices,” said Niinistö, adding that immense humanitarian is needed around the world.

He said that Finland has integrated sustainability assessment in the state budget planning. As a founding member of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action, Finland continues to share our best practices and learn from other Coalition members’ experiences.

“We should also make full use of the opportunities brought about by digitalisation. New technologies can help us achieve better development outcomes with the resources we have. At the same time, we should make sure that digital development is fair and inclusive,” said the President.

“Finally, sustainability, development and equality go hand in hand. Gender equality, as well as equal and inclusive access to education, have been key elements in Finland’s rise from poverty to prosperity. We remain strongly committed to supporting the right to education globally,” he added.

President Niinistö and first lady Jenni Haukio are currently in New York, where the President is leading the Finnish delegation during the High-level Week of the 78th United Nations General Assembly.

Niinistö will give Finland’s National Statement at the Assembly’s General Debate on Wednesday.

  •  President
  •  Sauli Niinistö
  •  SDGs
  •  Summit


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