Ukrainian, Polish, Lithuanian presidents meet on security issues

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met with his Polish and Lithuanian counterparts in Kiev on Wednesday on security issues, reported Xinhua, quoting Zelensky's press service.

Zelensky informed Polish President Andrzej Duda and Lithuranian President Gitanas Nauseda of the "active actions" of the Ukrainian military at the front and thanked the two countries for their military, political, economic and humanitarian support.

In particular, Zelensky welcomed Lithuania's decision to purchase two NASAMS air defense systems for Ukraine.

They also discussed preparations for the upcoming summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which is set to be held on July 11-12 in Vilnius.

Zelensky voiced his hope that decisions aimed at inviting Ukraine to join NATO would be made at the summit.

Nauseda said Lithuania supports Ukraine's membership in NATO, noting that the Vilnius summit should speed up the accession.

For his part, Duda said that the provision of security guarantees to Ukraine on its way to full NATO membership is one of the most important tasks of the summit.

Ukraine's European integration and its peace formula were also discussed at the talks.

Duda and Nauseda arrived in Kiev earlier in the day.


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