Windy weather reduces blue-green algae blooms in sea, lake

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The number of blue-green algae observations in lakes and coastal areas has decreased due to the windy weather this week, said Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) in a press release on Thursday.

Comprehensive satellite observations in sea areas have not been obtained, because of the cloudy weather, but the winds have mixed the blue-green algae surface blooms into the deeper water layers, also in the sea.

SYKE observes the cyanobacteria occurrence as part of the monitoring of the state of the environment in Finland.

The national cyanobacterial monitoring is carried out as part of the monitoring of the state of the environment in cooperation with the Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, municipal environmental and health authorities, and the SYKE. Finnish Rotary Clubs are also actively involved in nationwide cyanobacterial monitoring.

The cyanobacterial monitoring is based on the monitoring of cyanobacterial deposits in surface water. The intention is to provide an overview of the cyanobacterial situation in different water bodies. The monitoring includes about 400 permanent observation sites across the country on inland and coastal waters and in the archipelago.

  •  Blue-green algae
  •  Reduce
  •  Sea
  •  Lake


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